Wow! We have been busy the past few days. Bryan has the first two weeks of October off as vacation. We have been living it up! One of my favorite things to do in Vermont is to go apple picking. We couldn't pass it up this year because it is our last Fall to spend in Vermont. It was a gorgeous day, a little chilly, but so pretty.

Bennett got to enjoy the apples too!!

Bennett is growing up fast. He has lost his newborn look. He's so handsome!

Chloe couldn't resist eating the apple fresh from the tree.

Niah decided to climb one of the smallest limbs on the tree- kind of scary!

We have also been outside playing while the weather is still somewhat decent. This is the view out our kitchen window- I love this tree. It's so big and bright. I would hate to be the one to rake the leaves under it though!

The girls have to take their babies outside with them once in a while.

In case you were wondering, Chloe has been picking out her own clothes these days. She is quite colorful here!

Sweet Niah.

Bryan is becoming quite the photographer. He took the camera out and captured some beautiful things.

How neat is this picture?!! I love it.

We decided to go for a drive yesterday and see the leaves and also to stop at the Cider Mill. There is nothing better than Cold Hollow apple cider and fresh cider donuts. MMMM, so good!

We drove up over 'the notch'- that's what the Vermonters call it- and did some leaf peeping. It was so beautiful. The leaves were at their peak.