There have been a few things happening around here and lots of thoughts running through my head...
This picture was sent to me by my grandpa. I was showing it to Niah and I was telling her who is in the picture. My Great- Grandpa Edison (on the right) was married to Beulah and she died of cancer when I was about a year old. He got remarried to Grandma Erika, who Niah knows and remembers. She died about a year and a half ago due to cancer. I could see Niah's little wheels turning in her head as I told her this. She asked me, "Will they both come alive in the resurrection?" I replied "Yep, they will." She said, "Well, who's going to be married to Grandpa Edison? They will fight!" She is so smart and funny. I laughed at that one!
Pictured from left to right:
My great-grandma Hazel, grandpa Doug, grandma Saundra, great-grandma Beulah, great-grandpa Edison
I am so grateful that we have had a mild winter this year. The sun has been shining a lot and it has not been that cold. It's amazing what a little sunshine does for your mental health!

These two girls have been really into playing babies lately. They pretend that one of them is the mom and one is the baby. I usually get the role of their neighbor. The other night after playing babies all day, Chloe asked me, "How do mammas get babies out of their tummies?" Uhhhh... how to explain that to a three year old?! I think my answer went something like this: "Well, they have to work really hard to push it out." It was the best I could do. I better practice my answers for future inquiries.

We went to the pet store the other day. The girls like to go there and look at the fish and hamsters. We ended up leaving the store with a fish for Chloe! She named him Livvy. She wants it to be a girl, hence the girl name!

I caught Bennett on camera tonight playing with his ball. It was so funny to watch him try to eat the ball and trying to catch it. He is such a happy, pleasant kid. He has been sleeping much better. Last night he slept from 8:30 to 5:00. Yay for me!!

There was not a rotation available for Bryan to do the first two weeks of March so he ended up taking his two weeks of vacation now. It has been great to have him home. He has been cooking, cleaning, and watching the kids for me while I exercise (trying to get that in with three kids is almost impossible!). We have been watching movies and our new favorite show, American Pickers. If you haven't watched it and love old fashioned things like I do, you should watch it! He has a rotation the last two weeks of March and then he has a family medicine reading month in April, which basically means he has to read a couple of articles and that's it! Graduation is in May. It's getting so close. We are patiently waiting for Match Day to come. March 18th is the big day when we find out where we are going for residency- the next 3-4 years of our lives. I can't wait to find out where we are going.
Image found at google images
It will be so great to have a steady income and a house! At the same time, buying a house is overwhelming. How are we going to buy everything we need for a house and a move?! I know it will work out. Bryan is thinking about getting a job in April and May so that we will have some extra money. That would be great and I think he will go crazy being home with us all day long. It's weird that Bryan will be an official Dr. in just a couple of months. It seemed like it would be forever when we started med school, but the time has flown by and I am sad to be leaving Vermont. I love it here.