The girls are taking swim lessons! They absolutely LOVE it. They love it so much, I signed them up for two sessions. I'm impressed with how much they are learning. They are becoming little fish.
Bennett likes to watch, but sitting in the stroller strapped in while everyone else is swimming is not his favorite thing. He would love to be in the water with the girls. 
Chloe was nervous the first day and cried the entire 30 minutes. She would not open her eyes and she kept her head turned so that she didn't have to look at her teacher. What a stinker. Now she gets right in and swims, swims, swims!

Niah likes to show all the other moms what she can do. She says, "Hey so and so's mom, watch this!" She can jumpin and touch her bum on the bottom of the pool without plugging her nose. She is pretty proud of herself. And I'm one proud Mom too!

Kaitie, Shay, Kell, and Kels- I realize that you appreciate cute boys so this is for you! Niah's teacher is great and his name is Tony. He swims on the team at a highschool here. Unfortunately, Kelsie and Kell, you might be a little old for him. Haha.
Niah likes to show all the other moms what she can do. She says, "Hey so and so's mom, watch this!" She can jumpin and touch her bum on the bottom of the pool without plugging her nose. She is pretty proud of herself. And I'm one proud Mom too!
Kaitie, Shay, Kell, and Kels- I realize that you appreciate cute boys so this is for you! Niah's teacher is great and his name is Tony. He swims on the team at a highschool here. Unfortunately, Kelsie and Kell, you might be a little old for him. Haha.