We went to Chicago for the weekend. I had never been to Chicago before. I love this city. It's not as intimidating as NYC and it seems safe and clean. We had a great hotel in a perfect location. Here's Benny watching all the cars and firetrucks drive by from our hotel window. He loved all the cars.
Saturday morning we woke up and headed to the Navy Pier. It was a gorgeous day and we couldn't have asked for better weather. The kids had a blast on the ferris wheel and the carousel. Daddy and Chloe 'petting' the lion, or dog man- whatever that is!
This is the tunnel that went under the street to the pier. The kids were troopers and walked a long way.
There's a greenhouse at the pier and the kids were fascinated by the jumping water.
A recent convert family from our ward went through the temple Friday and got sealed on Saturday. Bryan went to the sealing while the kids and I played on the temple grounds. Our original plan was to go to the zoo while Bryan was in the temple. But after realizing that it would take an hour to get back to the zoo with all the traffic we stayed at the temple. The kids were bummed at first and there were a few tears shed, but before we left the temple Niah said to me, "Mom, forget the zoo. I had way funner here." It was so nice to be at the temple and I think the kids could feel the spirit that was there. We had a great time.

Look at Niah's happy face. This is going on my list of favorite pictures.

Bennett loved exploring and roaming on the temple grounds. He is getting so busy these days.
We had a fun weekend and I am looking forward to going back to Chicago again. Maybe a girls trip?!
Look at Niah's happy face. This is going on my list of favorite pictures.
Bennett loved exploring and roaming on the temple grounds. He is getting so busy these days.
Tie goes to the winner...
Then the girls have a little collision and Chloe pays for it by falling face down on the cement. She has a huge bruise/scrape on her head. I've never heard such a loud 'thump' on cement before. OUCH!
Niah is such a good big sister. She was taking care of Bennett while I consoled Chloe. Benny loves Niah- as long as she doesn't try to pick him up!