Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Fun!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Snow, Snow, Snow!!!
We had a Christmas party with all of our friends on Friday. It was so much fun. We ate and did White Elephant gifts. Getting this many kids to smile was a little interesting but I think the picture turned out pretty cute!
We got hit with a huge snow storm yesterday. There was so much snow that church was cancelled. We have at least a foot of new snow on the ground. I love big snow storms like this one!

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Most of you know that Niah is obsessed with High School Musical. Well, today she was pretending to be Gabriella! Here she is!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Weekend with Fam
We had a great weekend! Bryan's mom and dad came to visit us for a few days and we had a blast with them. The girls went swimming at the hotel, we went down to Sharon- Joseph Smith's birth place- to see the lights, the girls did a little shopping, we went to our ward Christmas party, and Niah would not let Grandma Shannon do anything but play with her! The lights in Sharon were beautiful, the new snow that had fallen made it gorgeous. Niah is in love with nativity sets- she calls them her "tivities". Out of everything in Christmas Tree Shops she picked out a new nativity set. She now has three that she plays with and she sings songs about the angel, Jesus, the wisemen, and the shepherds. It's really sweet. Santa came to our ward party and Niah was so excited to meet him. She told him that she wants a princess guitar- which was new to Bryan and me. Thanks to Grandma Shannon, Niah will be getting one from Santa now! We are so glad that Shannon and Ferald could come to see us. We love having visitors!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
4 Things-
Well, Tam tagged me about a week ago and I am just barely getting this done- sorry Tam! Here it goes:
A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Wood block sander
2. cleaning my dad's office
3. Preschool teacher
4. U of U purchasing Department
B) Four movies I have watched over and over
1. Hitch
2. Titanic
3. Calamity Jane-with Doris Day (I can quote it for you if you want, haha)
4. Life Is Beautiful
C) Four places I have lived:
1. Draper
2. Ephraim
3. Provo
4. Vermont
D) Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. The Biggest Loser
2. Little People, Big World
3. Hannah Montana
4. American Idol
E) Four places I have been:
1. Germany
2. Hawaii
3. Maine
4. Paris
F) Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
1. My sister Tam
2. My brother Colin- he's on his mission
3. My mom and dad
4. Grandma Saundra
G) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Cafe Rio
2. The Spaghetti Factory
3. Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream
4. My mother-in-law's potatoe salad
H) Four of my Favorite Songs:
1. You're My Best Friend- Tim McGraw
2. Strangers- Bon Jovi and Leann Rimes
3. I've gotta go my own way- HSM2 (I don't listen to much else these days!)
4. So Close- from Enchanted
I) Four Things I am looking forward to in 2008:
1. My brother coming home from his mission
2. Niah's 3rd birthday and Chloe's 1st birthday (that's two things-oops!)
3. Family vacation
4. Flying to Utah to visit family
I tag Erica C., Ariane, Kathryn, McKell, and Bug- if you haven't been tagged already!
A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Wood block sander
2. cleaning my dad's office
3. Preschool teacher
4. U of U purchasing Department
B) Four movies I have watched over and over
1. Hitch
2. Titanic
3. Calamity Jane-with Doris Day (I can quote it for you if you want, haha)
4. Life Is Beautiful
C) Four places I have lived:
1. Draper
2. Ephraim
3. Provo
4. Vermont
D) Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. The Biggest Loser
2. Little People, Big World
3. Hannah Montana
4. American Idol
E) Four places I have been:
1. Germany
2. Hawaii
3. Maine
4. Paris
F) Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
1. My sister Tam
2. My brother Colin- he's on his mission
3. My mom and dad
4. Grandma Saundra
G) Four of my favorite foods:
1. Cafe Rio
2. The Spaghetti Factory
3. Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream
4. My mother-in-law's potatoe salad
H) Four of my Favorite Songs:
1. You're My Best Friend- Tim McGraw
2. Strangers- Bon Jovi and Leann Rimes
3. I've gotta go my own way- HSM2 (I don't listen to much else these days!)
4. So Close- from Enchanted
I) Four Things I am looking forward to in 2008:
1. My brother coming home from his mission
2. Niah's 3rd birthday and Chloe's 1st birthday (that's two things-oops!)
3. Family vacation
4. Flying to Utah to visit family
I tag Erica C., Ariane, Kathryn, McKell, and Bug- if you haven't been tagged already!
New Teeth
Well, I said that I would post a picture of Chloe's teeth when they were actually visible. I'm not sure if you will be able to see them but here are a couple of pictures. Chloe has also found a new past time. She loves to climb up on her chair and look out the window. She grunts at all the cars that drive by. It is one thing that keeps her entertained for quite a while!
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Here we are at the top of Niah's castle!
Here's Niah and her best friend Addi playing in the dirt!
Bryan's favorite things:
- BYU Football
- Surfing the Internet
- Mountain Biking
- Homemade Cinnamon Rolls
- Kayaking
Natalie's Favorite Things
- Naps
- Blogging
- Cooking
- Going on dates with Bryan
- Reading good books
- Being a mom
Niah's Favorite Things
- Hannah Montana
- 101 Dalmatians
- High School Musical
- Reading books with her dad
- Singing
- Disney Princesses
- Playing outside with her friends
Chloe's Favorite Things
- Being outside
- Her binki
- Bananas
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Playing with Niah
- Taking a bath