I have so many pictures from this summer I thought that I better get them posted before I forget about them! Here's what has been going on...
We have a really pretty rose bush that the kids love to smell. I think this picture of Chloe is so cute!

The kids have been enjoying Mabel. She's starting to ease up on the nipping and she loves to play with them. Benny loves to lay on the ground and let Mabel wrestle with him.

Benny is our boy with many outfits! He is exploring all of his options. I'm not sure this is the best look for him! Our neighbor got a kick out of this ensemble.
We have been trying to hit the beach at least once a week. The kids can't get enough of the water and sand. They are so content just playing for hours. I love it too because they are happy and I don't have to hear them whining or bickering!

Chloe decided she wanted her training wheels off. I was nervous, but Bryan helped her and she had it figured out in about two minutes! She is a pro and has gone on lots of bike rides around the neighborhood already.

Bryan has been bonding with the dog too. I think he likes her more than he admits!

Niah lost her 3rd tooth! She tied it to some dental floss, tied the other end to the door and shut the door! It came right out and went down the A/C vent. It was traumatic for a moment, but after pulling out a few popcorn kernels and some other unidentifiable objects I was able to find it. Whew. I was almost in big trouble for choosing the door right by the vent!
So, there's what we've been up to. We are looking forward to celebrating Bennett's second birthday this week. It's hard to believe he is already two. My heart hurts thinking about how fast he is growing up. PLEASE STOP Benny!!