This summer has just gone too fast. I haven't had the time to blog about what we've been up to! Since we flew to Utah on Benny's birthday, I never had a chance to post pictures of his birthday. So, I'm hitting rewind and catching up.
Benny of course, had a baseball themed party! We had a little party for him a few days early so Bryan could celebrate with us before our trip to Utah. I think his 'mit' was the easiest cake I've ever made. I like boy cakes!
Bennett loved opening presents and had lots of help from his big sisters. He got some new cars with a mat to drive them around on. It was a big hit. He also got a baseball movie about the greatest players in history (yes, he sat and watched it all) and he got some baseball cards.
Despite getting in a car wreck the night before (notice his seat belt burn on his neck in the picture above) and spending most of his day on an airplane, Bennett had a great birthday! I'm glad he got to spend his birthday with grandparents, aunts, and uncles. That doesn't happen for us very often any more. Bennett is such a sweet kid and we love him so much. I think he needs to stop growing, like now!
He is just about the sweetest little guy in the world! I'm so glad we got to see you all for a minute while you were here.
Oh how I miss my baseball birthday boy! I especially the nighttime serenades of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"! Love you Benny boy!
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