Since both girls are in school these days, Bennett and I have lots of one on one time! I just LOVE it. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't get the attention he needs, being the third child. It has been great to just hang out with him and play cars, baseball, or football together. At first he couldn't figure out where 'the girls' went. Now, I think he likes having the house and mom all to himself! 
I am really excited for Halloween this year. I think I enjoy it more than I like to admit. :) We have been decorating the house and figuring out the kids' costumes. Yesterday, I was trying to hang some spooky fabric up in our front window and I fell off the little end table (I stepped on the side of it and it's not very stable. Duh.) and hurt my ankle and butt pretty bad. I laid on the floor for a few minutes thinking I had broken my ankle because it hurt so bad. The girls came to my rescue, but Niah started crying first because it scared her so much. Today, I am pretty bruised and sore. Then, after that, I was cooking a nice dinner because we invited some friends over to eat with us, and I spilled a whole box of noodles all over the floor. I'm not sure what has happened to my brain these days. I hope it comes back soon.
Life is busy right now and most days I feel overwhelmed with all that there is to do, but I have really been loving my kids and the phases they are in right now. Life goes so fast. I want to freeze time!