May was a busy, fun month for us. We got to see family- a lot- and we visited some fun places with the kids. The pictures posted backwards for some reason, so we'll start at the end and finish at the beginning!
We drove to Nauvoo to see the sights with my grandma and grandpa. I love Nauvoo. Every time I go there it takes my breath away. It's such a pretty, peaceful place. Bryan and I were lucky enough to visit the temple. (Thanks to my grandparents for watching the kids.) It was so great!
My little pioneer. I could just eat him up in this picture. I should have bought him one of those hats. He looks adorable!
Grandpa Dick is really good at stilts. He was showing the kids how it's done.

While Bryan and I were at the temple Grandma Sally and Grandpa took the kids on a carriage ride. The kids had so much fun getting to know their great-grandparents a little better. They loved having them all to themselves!
The purpose for our trip was to go to Kirksville, MO to see my borther-in-law graduate from med school. Yay! It was so much fun to see family and hang out for a couple of days. The kids are so happy when they are with their cousins, aunts, and grandparents.
Now there's trouble. Benny and Jonah found the arcade guns and thought it was funny to shoot the people in the pool.
On our way to Kirksville, we spent the night in Springfield, IL and saw some of the Lincoln sights. We are all huge fans of Abraham Lincoln- especially Bryan- so it was fun to learn a little more about him and to see where he lived. I had been there when I was younger, but couldn't remember a lot so it was nice to go back and refresh my memory!
Lincoln's tomb was huge! It was really neat to see where he was buried.
Outside Lincoln's home. The kids love learning about history and they really enjoyed touring the home and learning some things about Lincoln. Niah knew a lot about him from reading the Magic Treehouse book about Lincoln. That girl has a memory like no other! She can remember dates, events, and lots of other things that blow me away!
I love that we had a little getaway. Trips make me happy! :) It gives me something to look forward to and it was great to see family.