The second day in Rochester we went to Palmyra, NY to see all the church sites there. Both Bryan and I had been there before, but it was nice to go see it again. Niah was excited to see where Joseph Smith lived and to see the 'Secret Grove'- that's what she calls it. There is such a peaceful, special feeling there.
Here's the kids playing around and exploring Hill Cumorah. I finally got a darling picture of Chloe!!

Sitting outside the old Smith Family log home.

There were so many pretty flowers at all the sites. They were so bright and beautiful!

All of us inside the log home.

Niah and Addi being silly. They are best buds, they had so much fun together.

The Sacred Grove. I think my family has a picture of us all sitting on this exact bench the last time we visited here. Now I have one of my family!!

All the girls checking out the stream.
Thanks Mickelsens for letting us stay with you and for showing us a good time. We had a blast!!