Here's the kids playing around and exploring Hill Cumorah. I finally got a darling picture of Chloe!!
There were so many pretty flowers at all the sites. They were so bright and beautiful!
All of us inside the log home.
Niah and Addi being silly. They are best buds, they had so much fun together.
The Sacred Grove. I think my family has a picture of us all sitting on this exact bench the last time we visited here. Now I have one of my family!!
All the girls checking out the stream.
On the way home from Palmyra we stopped and fed the ducks on the Erie Canal. I think this was one of the girls' favorite things we did.
I love that we were able to take Niah and Chloe to see where Joseph Smith lived and had the first vision. They both know the story so I think they loved seeing where it actually happened. We also drove them by the temple. Bryan went and did a session that morning and when he left I told Chloe where he was going. Her reply was, "I'm going to the temple too! He leaved me!" She didn't understand that we were going to meet him there later on. It was so cute, she was so excited to see the 'emple'.
Thanks Mickelsens for letting us stay with you and for showing us a good time. We had a blast!!
I love your pictures! Your girls look so big! I can't get over it. They are so cute. It looks like you guys had a blast. Love and miss you all!
P.s. don't forget to tell Miquelle and Cody to watch out for Elder Pettersson. :)
I love that you blog! It seems like I can share in your adventures and fun. You can tell the kids are having a good time...big smiles:) I love the new picture at the top...Bennett is growing fast! Thanks for, mom
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