I went to the midnight showing of New Moon on Thursday with my fam.
LOVED IT!! It was soooo good. I made everyone t-shirts for the movie. We were in the 'Jacob' room and got lots of free goodies. It was well worth staying up late!

P.S. It's my birthday today- 27 years old. I'll post about my day later!
Happy birthday Nat!!! And I couldn't agree with you more, I LOVED LOVED LOVED New Moon! Staying up that late was totally worth it!
Happy late birthday!
Hey Nat,
Tried to call you on Saturday but nobody answered. Wanted to wish you the best birthday. Hope you guys are doing well. Love Ya, Aunt Jen
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
I LOVED New Moon. It was so great, I'm glad you got to see it too. :)
Happy Birthday. Sorry you weren't out here for us to do something, but we'll have to make up for it when you come back!
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