Our little boy is learning new tricks! He can now roll from his back to his belly and from his belly to his back. Last night he wasn't ready to go to sleep so I let him play on the floor and he showed me what he can do. He got a huge grin on his face when he rolled to his belly. He thinks he is pretty big! I guess he won't be taking naps on the bed anymore.

Today Grandma Mel needed to do some yard work, so the kids and I went out to help. We had fun raking the leaves and the girls were hard workers.

There were so many leaves! I was in the house for a minute feeding the baby and Niah came
in and said to me, "Well, that was a bad experience!" I asked her what happened and she told me, "I lost my shoe in the leaf pile and I can't find it anywhere." I was laughing so hard. We eventually found her shoe at the bottom of the huge leaf pile.

Niah and Chloe are having a blast being with all of their family members. I'm not sure what will happen when we go back to Vermont. They will be bored out of their minds!
whoa, bennett already looks like he has grown more!!! can't believe he is rolling over. what a big boy:) cute pics of the girls doing yard work with mom. i am laughing out loud about niah and her "bad experience" she cracks me up!!!
Glad Niah found her shoe and that Bennett is learning new tricks, but how does Chloe heft that giant shovel?
You should blame those Brady neighbors for at least part of the leaf problem...that huge tree puts off a lot of leaves. JK Bennett is so cute!
Niah says some of the funniest things! So fun playing in the leaves!
Yeah, how long have you been and how much longer will you be in Utah? I have to admit I am jealous! PS I can't believe how fast your baby has grown!
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