- He is always happy. Seriously. He doesn't cry unless he gets hurt.
- He has eight teeth with two more coming.
- He has the walking thing down. He tries to run but just trips on his feet and falls down.
- He LOVES mom. He follows me around like a little puppy dog and if I even put my coat on like I'm leaving he clings to my leg or won't let me put him down.
- He really likes dinosaurs lately. I bought a book called Dinosaurs Love Underpants and it's the only book that he will sit and listen to. He also has dino jammies and a figurine and he roars whenever he sees them.
- He is a great eater. Some of his favorite foods are cucumbers, goldfish crackers, and German pancakes.
- He can say uh-oh, dada, and sometimes momma. He makes the sounds of a monkey, tiger, puppy, elephant, and a couple other animals.
- He loves his sisters. He loves to play with them and do what they are doing.
- He's a good sleeper. He loves his bed. If we try to get him out before he is ready he moves to the far corner of the crib and grunts at us and shakes his head 'no'.
- He loves music and is a very good singer. He likes to lead the music in church!
- He is really good at followig directions. He can put toys away, put things in the garbage, and get his shoes, among other things.
Bennett is turning into a little boy! I can't believe it. The time has gone too fast. I want it to stop. This morning I woke up to fire truck sirens outside and then I heard Bennett in his crib mimicking the siren. It was so cute! He is always smiling and doing cute things. I am constantly staring at him and admiring his darling face- dimples, blue, blue eyes, and his very blonde hair.
I love you Benny! Please stop growing so quickly.
Ohhhh....aren't boys just the best ever!! I can't wait to get our boys together. They are getting so big!!
oh i love him!!!
he is soooo sweet!!!
can't wait to see you SOON!!!!
love you
Our little boy is getting sooooo big! I can't wait to squeeze him and hear him make 'boy noises'!
Love that boy.
O seeing these pictures makes me miss you guys even more than I already do! I hope everything is going great! I can't wait to see you guys!
Are you guys coming to Utah for the Holidays?
Love you all!
Oh man he's so cute. Adorable really. I can't wait to play with him next week! Yay! Party in South Bend! :)
Georgia was drooling over his pictures...okay so I'll admit she drools over everything! But still, he is a super cute boy.
Everytime I check your blog out you have new darling pictures and a new setup.
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