I love this time of year. There is so much excitement in the air and so much to be thankful for. This year has been a good one for us. It seems to have passed so quickly- it goes faster every year. I love to go back and read about each year that passes, so I thought I would document it here this year. Consider this our "Christmas Newsletter"!
Bryan is halfway done with his residency! He loves his job and is so good at at it. It's fun for me to hear him talk "Dr." talk on the phone with his colleagues or patients. He's so smart and really knows his stuff! He stays busy with work (of course), taking care of all of us, and serving in the High Priest group leadership in the ward. He is dedicated to everything he does. We are really looking forward to having him all to ourselves for a week after Christmas!
This year, the word busy took on new meaning for me. It seems that we have not had a moments rest for a while! The kids are getting older which means they have more things to do- school, preschool, homework, after school activities, more friends to play with, etc. I love being a mom and would not have it any other way. I am very grateful for the opportunity I have to stay at home with my kids. We have so much fun together. Just yesterday, I was called to be the Primary president in our newly formed Notre Dame Ward. I am so excited for this change! I am also feeling a little overwhelmed at the idea too. I have been trying to enjoy our ward more and get more involved somehow- I guess Heavenly Father answered my prayers! :) This is the way to do it, I guess. I really can't wait to serve the children in our ward. What a blessing. It seems that there were times this year when I felt out of place and alone, but looking back I have learned a lot. I love where I am at in life and I couldn't be happier!
Miss Niah is no longer a little girl. She has grown into a young lady! I can't believe that she will be turning seven in less than a month. Whoa. Niah had a great year with many new experiences. She lost her first tooth, she played softball, said goodbye to good friends and made lots of new friends, graduated Kindergarten and entered First grade. She is a terrific student and her teachers can't say enough good about her. She's reading at a third grade level. Her class members adore her. She is always coming home with notes from them that say things like, "You are such a good friend, "Can I sit by you at lunch?" "You are my best friend!" She is admired by all, even her little sister and brother can't get enough of her. She is very mature for her age and notices things that most kids her age don't think about. We love having her in our family. I wouldn't know what to do without my big helper!
Chloe Nan is a spit fire! She makes us laugh on a daily basis. She has a quick sense of humor and charming way about her. She will be turning five in February. Ahhh! That can't be happening. Chloe started preschool this year. She LOVES it. She loves her teachers and is learning how to make new friends. She is taking speech therapy through her school and at times gets frustrated with it, but is working hard at it. I can see some improvement already. She loves the dog and is usually the one to help out with her and play with her. She is really into being fancy- all the time. She adores anything that sparkles and shines. Her hair always has to be just right and so do her clothes. She has a fashion sense that most four year olds don't. I never have to worry about what she picks out to wear because she knows how to match and can pick out darling outfits all by herself! Chloe loves making things and using her imagination. We love Chloe Nanners and are so glad she is a part of our family.
Mr. Bennett is growing up too. What a joy this little boy is! I really can't get enough of him. He is so pleasant to be around. Bennett is talking a ton and makes us laugh with the things he says. He tells me he "loves me bigger" on a regular basis. He is obsessed with Captain America right now. He wears his costume almost every day and loves to watch the movie whenever he can. His favorite line is, "You never give up do you!" He'll say that and then shoot us with his fist and a funny gun noise. I can't help but laugh- maybe I shouldn't laugh at him shooting pretend guns. Oh well! Benny loves to wear hats. He always has one on his head. He still loves baseball and asked Santa for a baseball piggybank! All of his teachers in nursery can't believe what a good colorer he is. They think he's very smart. I think so too! I always tell people that if I could guarantee that all my kids would be like Bennett I would have ten more! Really. He is so happy and such a good boy. We love Benny Boo and can't imagine life without him.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas! We hope you find joy and peace during this wonderful time of year.

The Mason Family