It's freezing here!! (still not as cold as Vermont, but close!) We have so much snow and I bet I could count on one hand the number of days the sun has been out. Not much has been happening around here, it's kind of a boring time at our house. Bennett has been sick twice. Poor Niah has had about four different bugs in 2 weeks. Chloe is still holding strong and hasn't had anything yet- cross our fingers! She complains of a headache or some ailment when she sees me give the other kids medicine (she loves medicine). The other night she said she had a headache and Bryan said, "I think the best thing would be to just go to bed." Chloe replied, "Dad, how do you know?" He said, kind of sarcastically, "I'm a doctor. I know!" Her answer was, "Dad, you don't know headaches!" We've had a couple of snow days and I never thought I would say this, but I'm sick of snow days! The girls get so bored and then they just fight all day long. I've been trying to keep them busy by playing lots of games, coloring, playing neighbor, learning about a new topic each week, and making cookies. We (okay, maybe just me) are in survival mode, just trying to make it through the rest of the winter.
One of my brilliant boredom busters was to get the kids and I all dressed up and go take some cute Valentine pictures for Bryan. We all looked pretty in our matching reds and blacks. I love snow pictures because the lighting is beautiful and they seem to always turn out. Anyway, we got to our picture spot, unloaded the kids, snapped a few shots and within minutes they were all crying because they were so cold. This was probably bad planning on my part and maybe not my best mothering moment! I think the total photo shoot, including travel time, was about 20 minutes. The picture below is the best one I got of all of us and the one up above as the title picture was the best one I got of all the kids. Sad. So much for that idea.

The kids have loved going out to play in the snow. I bet there is four feet of shoveled snow along our driveway. Our mailbox is barely visible.

The kids have fun until someone gets snow down their boots. That will ruin your day!

Chloe's showing me the snow she's about to eat.

Bryan and the girls went out one day and were out playing for three hours! Bryan built them a slide, a fort, and a tunnel. The girls were in heaven!

This is the sledding hill, or slide as Chloe called it.

Benny was napping when all these shots were taken. I need to get some more of him out in the snow. He looks so cute in his snow pants and big fluffy coat. He likes to help Daddy shovel the driveway.
I shouldn't wish away my time, but I sure hope spring comes VERY quickly. Deep down I know it probably won't.