I feel like we have been very busy, but at the same time I feel like life is passing by slowly and not much has been happening. Is that possible?! I know, it doesn't make sense! Bryan has been very busy at the hospital. His call nights have been awful for him. Last week, on one of his call shifts he got twelve admits just in the night! Needless to say, we haven't seen much of him the past little while.
Mabel has been keeping me very busy. She is a very good dog, but of course she has her puppy moments! She hasn't had any accidents for over a month so she is doing great in that area. We are now working on the nipping thing. She is Benny's buddy. He doesn't put up with her nipping and he will tell her no and walk away if she gets too hyper. I think she sees him as the one in charge! :) Mabel knows 'sit', 'down', 'shake', 'come' (when not distracted- we're working on that), and we are working on getting her to like her leash and 'stay'. When we got her at 8 weeks old she weighed 9.4 lbs. When we took her to her 13 weeks visit she weighed 17.7 lbs. She is growing like a weed! I'm waiting for the day when she will lay in the corner and sleep when she is out of her crate. ;) Right now she is a big fluff ball of energy!

If you've heard Chloe talk, you probably know that she has a hard time saying certain words and sounds. I love the way she talks and I don't want it to change, but it hasn't been getting better. So, before she gets into school we thought it would be a good idea to get her checked out. I took Chloe to a speech therapist yesterday. Her doctor referred us to an outpatient clinic at Memorial. I was very impressed with the therapist we met with. Chloe really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. After performing a few tests, we found out that Chloe's smaller muscles- the ones that you need for the precision of speaking- around her mouth are basically under developed. Chloe will start weekly sessions in June because there is such a long waiting list. She can also go to a preschool that is for kids with speech problems through the public schools so it will be free to us. I think it's a win, win situation! Chloe is very excited to go to school so she was thrilled to hear that she will get to start in the Fall.
And, after waiting and waiting for my new niece to get here- she was a week over due- she finally arrived last night! Paityn Ashley Forbes weighed in at 7 lbs. 2 ozs and 19 inches long. Congrats to my brother and his wife on their new addition! I can't wait to meet her in April.