Whoa. Where did February go?! I was a total slacker when it comes to blogging. I'll blame it on my computer. It is soooo slow, it takes at least 30 minutes to get it up and running and then to get on the internet. I get too frustrated with it so I avoid it! Hopefully, there will be a new computer in our very near future. :)
Chloe turned five last Friday! It seems to me that she was just born into our family. Her five years of life have gone so fast.
Chloe was anticipating her birthday for a VERY looooong time. When the day finally arrived she was so excited! She was very particular about the details of her party- who to invite, what kind of party to have, decorations, food, what to wear, etc. She's quite the party planning assistant! She decided to have a butterfly/tea party. It was so much fun for her. She felt extra special because Grandma Mel and Grandpa Mike got to be here on her birthday. I think that made her day perfect!

Chloe decided she just wanted cupcakes this year. When it came time to blow out her candles, Chloe was able to blow them out all by herself! She's never been able to do that because her muscles just weren't strong enough. I was so happy. It seems that her speech lessons at preschool are paying off!
We loved the photo booth idea so much from Niah's party that we decided to do it with Chloe's friends too. The girls thought it was the greatest thing.

Adalie really got into it. I love how hers turned out!
Chloe is such a sweetheart. She is so easy going and she is always smiling. She loves to do crafts, play beauty salon, dress fancy for ANY occasion (she has an incredible sense of fashion for a five year old), and she is a great sister to Niah and Bennett. She loves Mabel and is usually the first one to give her affection or play with her. Her speech is coming along well. I was worried that it wasn't helping to have speech at preschool, but just in the last couple of weeks Chloe is really trying hard to pronounce her words. She will even tell people her name now. A month ago she wouldn't answer when someone asked what her name was because she couldn't pronounce it. She can't wait for Kindergarten. The count down has already begun in her mind. August is going to be a long time coming!
We love you Chloe Nan and are so happy that you are part of our family.
So cute! love the photo booth pictures. What a fun tradition you've started with that.
The photobooth is such a clever idea. Happy five Chloe!
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