Sunday, January 27, 2008
John Stamos!
Here is the picture of my Aunt Sherri and me with John Stamos! He was really nice and didn't mind taking pictures. Good thing my aunt was the brave one... I would have just stared and never would have thought to ask for a picture. This was definitely a highlight to my week!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Welcome Home Colin!
Well, my brother Colin came home! The airport was so exciting and after being delayed for three hours he finally made it. I thought my mom and dad were going to die of anticipation!! He looks great and served an awesome mission. It has been really fun hanging out with him. Niah and Chloe love their Uncle Colin to death. Niah was a little shy at first but now she won't leave him alone. I had an exciting thing happen at the airport... the Sundance Film Festival is going on in Utah right now so my aunt had her eyes peeled for famous people. After Colin came down the escalator my Aunt Mindi pointed discreetly and said, "Nat, Sherri, look who it is!" We looked and John Stamos was standing right there by us!! My Aunt Sherri wanted to take a picture of him so he said, "Sure come on over. Does anyone else want a picture?" So, I just scooted right over for the picture and it turned out great! The picture is on my mom's camera because mine wouldn't work that day so I need to download it still. I love seeing famous people! It's so exciting. Here are just a few pictures from our week.
Chloe and her cousin Preslee in matching jammies. (They are only 9 days apart!)
Chloe and Preslee with their Aunt Kaitie Bug.
Waiting for Elder Forbes to come down the escalator... it seemed to take him forever to get off his plane!
There he is!! Doesn't he look happy?!
We took Colin shopping a couple of days after he got home. He wasn't so sure about the mall and spending money. My mom and I had to sneak a few things to the register because he wouldn't pick very many things out! I think he felt a little out of place right after he got home... he is adjusting though. We are so glad you are home Elder Forbes! We love you!

Friday, January 18, 2008
Big Trip!
Tomorrow the girls and I are leaving for Utah! My brother Colin comes home from his mission on Monday and we are going to surprise him at the airport. He thinks that we are coming later- surprise Elder Forbes! The bad part is that Bryan will be here in Vermont all alone until February 22nd. I feel a little guilty about leaving him for so long but he will be in his 'zone' studying for the big board test coming up. Those of you who are reading this who live close to us... please check on him for me and make sure he isn't starving or too lonely!!! I can't wait to see my family. It has been a long time since we have all been together. I will try to post some pictures from my mom's house while I'm there. So long, farewell Vermont!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
More pictures...
Big Girl Now!
Yesterday Niah turned 3 years old. I can't believe it!! Niah had a great birthday. We threw a party for her on Saturday night and invited some of our friends over. We had cake and ice cream and then the kids got to break open a princess tiara pinata. Niah got so embarrassed when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her that she started crying and buried her head in Bryan's shoulder and would not blow out her candles. I ended up blowing them out for her! On Friday night, Niah had told her friends Hope and Rayka that she wanted a princess TV for her birthday. So on Saturday they gave her a princess TV that they made out of a Goldfish crackers box and they covered it in Disney Princesses and wrote 'princess tv' on it. It was so sweet of them to make that for her, she loves it! Yesterday we took Niah to Toys R' Us. She is a member of their birthday club so they gave her a birthday crown and a balloon and then they announced that it was her birthday over the loud speaker. She had a blast and I could tell she felt pretty special! Niah asked for a Mickey Mouse shirt and a cheap dolly for her birthday and she got both of those. She also got a Giselle doll and a Robert doll (from Enchanted), a mixer to go with her new kitchen, a bride Barbie that she thinks is another Giselle doll, some clothes, and some money from grandparents. She had a great day and loved every minute of it. We are so glad to have Niah in our family and are very grateful for her sweet personality. She keeps all of us laughing! We love you Niah!!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Another video...
This video is of Chloe trying to get her clothes off. She could hear the tub running and knew that it was time to take a bath. She was so excited to get in the tub and she was getting pretty mad at her onesie!
Video Happy!!
I have gotten a little (okay, a lot) video happy now that Chloe is walking! I just want to show off her walking skills and also show everyone how funny she is-I think she's pretty funny but I'm her mom!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Chloe's first steps!
Chloe is getting really close to walking. Here is a video of her taking a few steps.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Welcome 2008!!
I am so amazed at how fast the last year flew by. It seems like we were just celebrating New Year's and welcoming 2007. New Years was pretty uneventful for our family. There's not a lot to do on New Years when you have little kids. We went to our friends', the Randalls, house and played Scattergories while the kids played and at 8:30 all the kids had had it. So, we went home and put the kids to bed. Chloe woke up at about 11:00 and was ready to go- I guess she wanted to see the ball drop for her first time! 2007 was a great year for our family. Here are a few highlights:
- We welcomed Chloe Nan into our family on February 24th. Everything went well and we are so happy to have her in our family.
- My sister and her husband had their first baby, Preslee Kae. Her and Chloe are nine days apart and will probably be best friends when they are older.
- Summer in Vermont is my favorite time of year here. We went to Lake Champlain quite a bit and played on the beach. Niah could play there for hours without making a peep!
- We took a little family vacation to Ogunquit, Maine. A few of our friends went with us and it was so much fun.
- Niah learned how to ride a bike. She is a natural at it!
- We went home to Utah to visit family and it was great.
- Bryan started his 2nd year of med school and is still loving it. He is a very good student and is getting ready for the boards coming up in February.
- We spent our first Christmas as our own little family. We started many traditions that will hopefully, continue for many years.
- Bryan and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on December 27th. Time flies when you are having fun!
There are many things to be grateful for right now. On New Years I often find myself reflecting on the things that mean the most to me and what I want to accomplish in the new year. I am grateful for my family and that we are all doing well. We have been very blessed! I am looking forward to seeing what happens in life in 2008!!
- We welcomed Chloe Nan into our family on February 24th. Everything went well and we are so happy to have her in our family.
- My sister and her husband had their first baby, Preslee Kae. Her and Chloe are nine days apart and will probably be best friends when they are older.
- Summer in Vermont is my favorite time of year here. We went to Lake Champlain quite a bit and played on the beach. Niah could play there for hours without making a peep!
- We took a little family vacation to Ogunquit, Maine. A few of our friends went with us and it was so much fun.
- Niah learned how to ride a bike. She is a natural at it!
- We went home to Utah to visit family and it was great.
- Bryan started his 2nd year of med school and is still loving it. He is a very good student and is getting ready for the boards coming up in February.
- We spent our first Christmas as our own little family. We started many traditions that will hopefully, continue for many years.
- Bryan and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on December 27th. Time flies when you are having fun!
There are many things to be grateful for right now. On New Years I often find myself reflecting on the things that mean the most to me and what I want to accomplish in the new year. I am grateful for my family and that we are all doing well. We have been very blessed! I am looking forward to seeing what happens in life in 2008!!
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Here we are at the top of Niah's castle!
Here's Niah and her best friend Addi playing in the dirt!
Bryan's favorite things:
- BYU Football
- Surfing the Internet
- Mountain Biking
- Homemade Cinnamon Rolls
- Kayaking
Natalie's Favorite Things
- Naps
- Blogging
- Cooking
- Going on dates with Bryan
- Reading good books
- Being a mom
Niah's Favorite Things
- Hannah Montana
- 101 Dalmatians
- High School Musical
- Reading books with her dad
- Singing
- Disney Princesses
- Playing outside with her friends
Chloe's Favorite Things
- Being outside
- Her binki
- Bananas
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Playing with Niah
- Taking a bath