Well, I have been reading all these hubby tags and thought I should do one about my hubby!
What is his full name? Bryan Charles Mason
How long have you been married? Five years as of Dec. 27th.
How long did you date? Before we were officially engaged, 8 months.
Who eats more sweets? I definitely do!
Who said I love you first? I'm pretty sure it was him.
How old is he? 28. (as of a few days ago!)
Who is taller? He is- 6' 0"
Who is smarter? I would have to say him for sure!
Who can sing better? That would be me.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Bryan does. We tried to switch once after Chloe was born so that I could be closer to the door but it was weird!
Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn to mow.
Who cooks dinner? I do.
Who does the laundry? Bryan does. It's too hard for me to pack the laundry and the girls over to the washer and dryers. I do fold though.
Who drives? He does most of the time, unless I'm picking him up from school or something.
Who is more stubborn? I think he is.Who kissed whom first? He kissed me first- it was in the doorway of the bathroom at his mom's house!
Who asked whom out? He asked me out first. He took me home to meet his family. It was a nerve-racking first date for me!
Who proposed? He did. He pretended to lock the keys in his truck and then made me look underneath the bumpers for his 'extra key'. I didn't find a key- I found a ring!
Who has more siblings? Bryan does- by one.
Who wears the pants? Bryan does
Blast From The Past My sister tagged me with this one today, it's a pretty good one!
What television show or movie did you want to be in when you were little? Calamity Jane- the one with Doris Day.
Which character or star? Calam, of course!
Most embarrassing moment your friends will never let die? We were at a ward program that the YW were hosting. My friend was putting salt in one of our friends drink and when she drank it we couldn't control our laughter. I bent over to try and hide my laughter so it wasn't so loud and when I bent over I farted way loud!! It was a quiet moment in the program too... maybe that is why I don't fart in front of anyone now, not even my husband!
Your proudest moment or accomplishment? Getting married in the temple and becoming a mom- that's two.
What adult did you have a crush on when you were little? I wasn't that little- but in 9th grade I had a science teacher named Mr. Barrett. He was so cute and an awesome teacher. He left in the middle of the year for some reason and I was devastated.
What habit or personality trait do you have of your mother or father that you swore you would never do? I sing little rhymes to my girls- for example- 'pumpkin pie in the sky'. Kaitie Bug will understand that one!
What did you want to change your name to when you were little? Samantha
Who was your first kiss? Erik Harper. He kissed me in our basement while watching Calamity Jane, I can still remember what part of the movie we were at when it happened!
What are 3 adjectives that someone from high school or middle school would use to describe you? Quiet, shy, nice? I have no idea, I remember myself being a loner! haha.
What hairstyle, clothes, or other accessories did you rock back in the day when it was cool? Layered black and white socks, overalls, snap on bracelets. (that was when I was pretty young)
What job did those long and annoying surveys in school say you would be good at? teaching or counselor. I'm not sure where that came from!
And what did you try and make the test result outcome be? Probably a nurse.
What made you laugh harder than you have ever laughed before? Bryan had these two crazy roommates at Snow and they did things that were so weird. One of them, Rick, once tried to fit his whole body into his pajama pants. It was so hilarious, I have never seen such a bad wedgie!!He also ate a dead fly out of the sink once. I have lots of funny memories from the Jack A. house- they called it that because the guy who owned the house was named Jack Andersen. (Niah is asking me why I'm laughing so hard right now!)
Favorite memories of hanging out with your best friends? In middle school- maybe my sophomore year of high school- my friends and I gave our crushes a color and when we saw them we would say his color- I think mine was green, sluffing school with my friend Lauren and going up the canyon, my first year at Snow my roommates and I made up a dance to a Britney Spears song and then performed it for Bryan and Cody (yes Mickelsen) at Cody's cabin- how embarrassing- I wasn't that young then! I should have done some more rebellious things, I'm kind of boring when it comes to that!
What's the most trouble you have ever got in with your parents? I got mad at them because they wouldn't let me go to the Fun Dome with my friends. I lost my temper and slammed the sink faucet down and it pretty much broke off. They weren't so happy with me.
What was your 5 year plan when you had to write it out in high school? Graduate college, get married in the temple, have kids. The usual.
And last but not least...What is your 5 year plan now? Support Bryan through the rest of med school and his residency, have one or two more kids, take a big trip with just Bryan to celebrate med school graduation, get into a house (cross my fingers!).
Now I tag Erica, Ariane, Miquelle, Annette, Kathryn, Kaitie Bug, McKell, Mom, and anyone else who wants to do this. You can do both the hubby tag and the Blast from the Past or do just one!