We have seen quite a few movies the past little while so I thought I would post about it and tell you all to see these movies if you haven't already seen them!!
Bedtime Stories was so cute. Niah loved it and ever since we watched it she has been making us tell her a bedtime story. This movie reminds me of my dad because he used to tell my siblings and I stories every night before we went to sleep.

The girls were having a rough day last week and I was going to go crazy. Bryan was on call at the hospital and I needed to get out of the house, so I loaded up the girls and we went and saw Hannah Montana. Call me crazy, but it was soooo cute and I loved it! Niah is obsessed with the music now, hence the music on our playlist. It's all she listens to. If you have little girls that love Hannah Montana you should take them to see this movie. It was good and I would see it again.

Bryan was on call again on Friday night and I needed a movie to watch. My friend Erica had told me about this movie so I decided to watch it. Wow! What a story. That's all I can say. At the end of the movie I just sat there staring at the credits thinking, "That did not just happen." The movie is based on a book, I now want to read that book. I bet it's even better than the movie! I HIGHLY recommend this to everyone.

Well, as you can tell by this post there is not much happening in the Mason household! We have been enjoying some nice, warm weather and we have been outside for most of the daylight hours. I have had some requests for a belly shot. I'm working on it, it will be posted soon. The pregnancy is going great. I'm almost 28 weeks. I can't believe how fast it has gone. I have been starting to feel like I need to get ready for this baby to come, so I gave in to my impatience and hit the Carter's sale last week. Let's just say that I think this little boy is set for the newborn stage! I can't wait to meet the little guy. I sure hope he is a little calmer when he comes out. All he does is wiggle and kick all day long- and night! Stay tuned for the belly shot....
Yup I definitely loved ALL of these movies. The Striped Pajamas one threw me for a whirl too. I watched it with grams and gramps and I just thought, "What? Really?" Sad story. Anyway, love you. I'm excited to see that belly shot.
thanks for the movie recommendations. i want to see all three of those shows! i loved talkin to you today. i ended up making your chicken pillows for dinner and they were delicious:) love ya!
I want to see the Hannah Montana movie, maybe Leila and I will have to go on a date-don't think I could talk Drew into that one. I felt the same way at the end of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas...so CRAZY!
I love love love bedtime stories! its hilarious! and Hannah montana... lets just say I wanna be her when I grow up. Haha! I haven't seen the other one but I want to!!! Love you nat!
Wow, I can't believe you are that far along. Looking forward to the belly shot - I bet you are super cute!
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