Thursday, May 28, 2009
Last Dance Class and Just For Fun
Here are just some random pictures that the girls and I took the other night. I think we were bored and we started making funny faces at the camera. I love Chloe's face in this one.
Here's one of me and my girls! I love them to death.
Niah caught a buttlerfly the other night and she wanted to bring it in the house so she could be his friend. We told her that probably wasn't the best idea because he might die if he wasn't outside. She cried all night, "I wanted to be his friend. He needed to be in our family!" It was sweet and kind of funny.
Niah had her last dance class of the year yesterday. All the parents got to sit in the room and watch what they have been learning all year. The girls prepared a dance for us. It was fun to see Niah perform. I think she was nervous and so she got a little silly. She did so great though! Niah has loved dance and I'm a little sad that it's over. She looked forward to going every week.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
What's New
I haven't blogged for a while! We have been staying pretty busy. Here's what has been happening at our house...
-Last week Bryan had the day off so we took the girls to Kids Day in Burlington. We rode the Green Mountain train and the girls loved it. We went with some of our friends and it was pretty fun. I love that everything is green outside now. It's so nice to be outside for most of the day!

-We have been busy packing up our house to move. We will be moving this coming weekend to a three bedroom apartment that is double the square feet of our current apartment. I can't wait to have the extra space and my own washer and dryer!! Luckily, it's only about a half mile up the road so we will still be close to all of our friends.
-Last week Bryan had the day off so we took the girls to Kids Day in Burlington. We rode the Green Mountain train and the girls loved it. We went with some of our friends and it was pretty fun. I love that everything is green outside now. It's so nice to be outside for most of the day!
-Niah has learned how to ride her bike without training wheels. She loves it. There is a video below- she's found a new hobby. All she wants to do is ride her bike now!
-Another thing that's new: Bryan got a new calling today. He was called to be the 2nd counselor in the bishopric! I am so excited for him. I'm only a little nervous to sit alone with soon-to-be three kids every Sunday!! Bryan is still a little nervous, it just happened today so it hasn't sunk in for him yet. I know he'll do a great job. I'm so proud of you B!
Niah Rides a Bike!
Niah has learned how to ride her bike without training wheels! She asked Bryan to take them off and she picked it up in about a week. She's a pro. She loves to show off for anyone who is outside. She loves riding her bike. It's all she wants to do now.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Rain, Rain Go Away
Today it is raining. Bryan has the day off and we wanted to do something fun outside, but the weather had different plans. I think we were all a little bored, and the girls wanted to play in the rain so I let them! They looked so cute with their umbrellas that I had to grab my camera.
For some reason, they liked trying to catch the rain that was dripping off of the roof in their mouths.
For some reason, they liked trying to catch the rain that was dripping off of the roof in their mouths.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Heavy Heart
Today is the one year anniversary of my grandma's death. It's hard to believe that that much time has gone by. Life has gone on, but things are different. There's not a day that has gone by that I don't think of my grandma. The thing that has been the hardest for me is not being able to call her to tell her what's going on in my life. I want to tell her about the new baby boy, about what the girls are doing now, about Bryan's school, and just talking to her about every day things. She really cared and wanted to hear about the things we were doing. There has been one less phone call made on birthdays and special occasions. I'm not sure how to explain the empty feeling I feel when those things come up. 
Although she's not here physically, I know that she's watching over us and is with us. There are so many things that remind me of her. It's probably her saying, "Hey, don't forget about me, I'm here!" I'm grateful that I have so many great memories of her. I miss her but I know that I will see her again. Love you forever Grandma. XOXO

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Now that I only have about eleven weeks- hopefully ten like my first two babies- left in this pregnancy, I am starting to feel the nesting instinct. I am driving myself crazy! I want to clean out cupboards, organize drawers, and just throw things away. The only problem is that once I clean something out, I have nowhere to put the things I want to keep. I have received quite a few blankets from my mom and have a few clothes for baby boy, but they are stacked on my dresser because I have no place to put them. I'm not sure where this baby is going to live! The girls' room is stuffed to capacity with no room for another bed or dresser. And, sadly, my crib, which I am kind of attached to, has been recalled. Now I have to take it apart and basically throw it away and wait for the voucher to come in the mail so I can go pick out a new crib. One of our girls is going to be without a bed for a while!
Fortunately, we have been offered a three bedroom apartment within our housing complex and will probably be moving at the end of the month- if everything falls into place! Until then, I will be anxiously awaiting the chance to set up the new crib in our third bedroom and give baby boy his own space. The girls will have more room for all of their things too. I guess I can tell my nesting instinct to go away for just a few more weeks!
(Photo from Google Image search)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
To My Dad
Happy Birthday to my very special Dad!! We hope you have a fabulous day. Wish we were there to eat some of your German Chocolate cake that Mom made you, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't share!! We know it's one of your favorite things in the world. (Actually, you probably would share because you are so unselfish and nice like that!!!!)
Thanks for being such a great dad and grandpa. The girls and I love you to death. You are always there for us and I love that you are so involved with all of the kids and grandkids.
Niah and Chloe love their 'pampa' and they have been practicing their rendition of Happy Birthday To You.
Friday, May 1, 2009
28 Weeks
Here's the long awaited belly shot! (I hate taking pictures of myself, I always make stupid faces!!) I am feeling great. My only complaint is the constant heartburn. It usually starts around lunch time and doesn't go away until after I fall asleep at night. It's so much fun to feel the baby moving and kicking. The girls talk to the baby often and Niah asks me about ten times a day what the baby is doing in there! I LOVE being pregnant.
Here's just a cute picture of my girls. They were enjoying and sharing ice cream on a hot day last week. They have been pretty good buddies lately.
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Here we are at the top of Niah's castle!
Here's Niah and her best friend Addi playing in the dirt!
Bryan's favorite things:
- BYU Football
- Surfing the Internet
- Mountain Biking
- Homemade Cinnamon Rolls
- Kayaking
Natalie's Favorite Things
- Naps
- Blogging
- Cooking
- Going on dates with Bryan
- Reading good books
- Being a mom
Niah's Favorite Things
- Hannah Montana
- 101 Dalmatians
- High School Musical
- Reading books with her dad
- Singing
- Disney Princesses
- Playing outside with her friends
Chloe's Favorite Things
- Being outside
- Her binki
- Bananas
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Playing with Niah
- Taking a bath