Now that I only have about eleven weeks- hopefully ten like my first two babies- left in this pregnancy, I am starting to feel the nesting instinct. I am driving myself crazy! I want to clean out cupboards, organize drawers, and just throw things away. The only problem is that once I clean something out, I have nowhere to put the things I want to keep. I have received quite a few blankets from my mom and have a few clothes for baby boy, but they are stacked on my dresser because I have no place to put them. I'm not sure where this baby is going to live! The girls' room is stuffed to capacity with no room for another bed or dresser. And, sadly, my crib, which I am kind of attached to, has been recalled. Now I have to take it apart and basically throw it away and wait for the voucher to come in the mail so I can go pick out a new crib. One of our girls is going to be without a bed for a while!
Fortunately, we have been offered a three bedroom apartment within our housing complex and will probably be moving at the end of the month- if everything falls into place! Until then, I will be anxiously awaiting the chance to set up the new crib in our third bedroom and give baby boy his own space. The girls will have more room for all of their things too. I guess I can tell my nesting instinct to go away for just a few more weeks!
(Photo from Google Image search)
Hang in there! Hope you get the three bedroom--we'd love to get into one ourselves and we just have Syd! Our apartment is wall to wall stuff!
awesome on the 3 bedroom - I'm sure that will be a welcome event!
Yay, I'm so glad you guys are going to get a bigger place. Lets hope the Fort pulls through for you!! Let me know when you guys are planning to move, I'd love to come help.
Nesting happens!! I love it!:) I can't believe how close you are. I will cross my fingers on the bigger appartment for you! Tell my cute nieces hi! Hang in there.
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