My sister Kaitie and Chloe hanging out at the reception. It was in Ashley's backyard and it was beautiful.
Grandpa Doug and the girls playing in the fountain.
Family picture. I must have been talking to the girls or something...
All the flower girls with Ashley.
The Forbes Family. It was so much fun to all be together! We hadn't all been together since last June. That's way too long.
Sweet Niah in her flower girl dress. She is so photogenic.
The groom with the groomsmen, Bryan and Todd.
Cute Niah again. I'm realizing that I don't have any cute pictures of Chloe in her dress. She ran away or turned around when I tried to take a picture of her, what a stinker.
Bryan and Chloe at the temple. Chlo was so tired from the flight and from a late night.
Niah and Grandpa Mike at the temple.
Niah and Grandma Mel at the temple.
The newlyweds. Don't they look so cute?! They got married in the Draper Temple. It was a beautiful day and the new temple is gorgeous too.
I'm so glad that we went to the wedding. I was worried about traveling so late in my pregnancy, but it all worked out. I loved being with my family, eating good food, seeing the girls play with their cousins, aunts, uncle, and grandparents, and staying up late talking ( now I am so exhausted. It's going to take me a week to recover!). It was worth the trip and the swollen ankles. We are so excited to have Ashley as part of the family now. Congrats to Colin and Ashley. We love you guys.
awesome pictures! i'm so glad that you came too! glad you made it home safe. love you!
Love the pictures, I'm so sad I missed the reception. You guys always take the BEST pictures!
I'm glad you had a good time and made it back safe... without having a baby on the plane!!
GIRL!! you are a trooper! I can't believe you flew on a plane with both kids at nine months pregnant. I'm glad your little babe didn't decide to come. What beautiful pics!! Your girls look gorgeous in their dresses!
You were looking gorgeous as usual, along with your whole family. It really was such a "great" day. We were so glad to be able to see you for a few moments before the new baby. Take Care these next weeks.
Colin and Ashley look so good. I'm glad you guys posted pics on your blogs. It looks like the wedding went well and that everyone is doing well.
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