Niah had spring break last week. It was so nice to have her home during the days. Chloe and Bennett couldn't figure out why she was gone again on Monday!! To pass some of the time, I decided to take the kids to a couple of museums. They had so much fun. We went to the train museum in Elkhart with some of our friends. It was really neat. Benny was in heaven! 
We attempted to get a picture of all the kids together in this old train car, but I'm not sure we were very successful. I think there are a few kids hiding behind the seats!
The old train cars were really fun for the kids to climb up in. They were not safe at all. One of the cars had insulation and nails all over the floor. I was surprised that they let people in there! I wonder if there have been injuries before?! The kids didn't seem to mind.
After building up the courage all week, I decided to go for it and take the kids to Chicago to The Field Museum. It's a natural history museum and the kids LOVED it! Niah was especially into it. She is really into learning new things about different people and cultures. The highlights for them were Sue the dinosaur, the ancient Egyptians exhibit, and seeing Bushman the gorilla that used to fling poo at the people that came to see him. Haha. That's the only story about any of the animals that they could remember!
Their favorite part was probably playing on the steps when we were waiting to catch the train! Why spend money on a museum when there are steps to climb?!
Niah took this picture for us. I think she did pretty good.
My kids were so well behaved! I was very impressed. They learned a lot and had a great time. The train was a great idea because it takes you right to the museum, but I don't think I will do the train again with the kids. It took forever!! Driving would be much quicker and it woud probably be cheaper to just pay for parking. Anyway, we had a great week with Niah home. Now I can't wait for the summer break to get here.
Such a fun adventure. You are a brave mom. And the girls look adorable in their boots and jackets.
Looks like so much fun Nat! You're such a fun mom. I want to come hang out with you guys... You'll be here in like two weeks! Ah! So excited. :)
That was kell by the way. I'm signed in with my club email haha sorry.
Looks like lots of fun! You are such a good mom. Your kids are getting so big and are so cute. :)
Your kiddies are so cute!
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