Chloe had her 18 month check-up the other day. She passed with flying colors! Here she is on her first day of nursery. She was wound up that day, I think she must have known what was happening!

Here's Chloe at the Dr.'s office. She loved the twirly chair.

She had to get two shots and a poke in the toe. She was so brave, she hardly even cried. I gave her my lipstick to play with to help distract her from the shots, and she was more mad at me for taking that away after the shots than she was when the nurse poked her!

Chloe's stats:
Weight- 23 1/2 lbs. (just under the 50th%)
Height- 33 inches (90th%)
Chlo is getting so big! She is such a sweetie.
She is getting so big and cuter everyday! I can't believe she is in nursery now!
I can't believe she is 18 months old already! She's a doll! :-)
Yay for nursery. It is the best when your kids get old enough for that! She's such a doll!
She's so cute! I miss you guys! Glad she did good with her shots:)
She's gettin so big! I love her pigtails. :) And yeah I'm lovin' it here in P-Town! I've already witnessed a proposal...weird... But it is so great. I love being on my own. I'll call ya and give you the whole schpiel. :) Love ya!
Chloe looks so cute and so big! I haven't seen you guys in so long! I miss you guys tons! can't wait to see you again! Love ya!
Hi Nat! I will try to figure out how to send the video.. :) I dont know how to haha. Love you!!
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