Here's the story of how we met... we met at Snow College through my roommate Jess. She dated Bryan's best friend Cody's cousin (does that make sense?!), so Cody and Bryan came to our apartment to say hello to Jess. I still remember what Bryan was wearing that first night I met him. We got to talking and made the connection that I went to highschool with Bryan's cousin and that my dad served in the bishopric with his Uncle Brad, who I knew very well. Small world. It gets better. His Aunt Kerrilynn was my mom's Laurel teacher when she was growing up. We had lots of connections before we even knew each other. It was meant to be! Anyway, we became quick friends and my roommates and I would go to Cody and Bryan's house every night for scripture study. This started in September and we officially started dating in February. It was a shock to me when I realized that Bryan liked me- he was a returned missionary who didn't seem to care about much other than studying! I knew he was the one for me right from the beginning. We didn't talk about getting married until July, but we both knew it was the thing to do. We got officially engaged on September 14th and married on Dec. 27th, 2002. The past six years have been wonderful and it's hard to believe that that many years have gone by. I can't wait to spend many more years with Bryan and I am looking forward to the many adventures we have yet to experience. Love you B!

happy anniversary nat! Hope you have a fun day. I can't believe it's been six years since you got married! Crazy how fast it goes. Love ya!
oh,oops I commented under todd's login. It's me tam:)
Happy anniversary nat! you are such a good sister and i love you and bryan so much! I hope you had a good day :) love you
Happy Anniversary! We LOVE having you two as friends! It's great to know that wherever life takes us we will always be friends!
Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has been that long already! Congrats!
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