Niah had a very fun and busy birthday. It started with dance class. She told everyone that it was her birthday and her teacher was really cute about it. She told Niah after class, "I thought something was different! Your cartwheels looked like 4 year old cartwheels today!" Niah thought that was the greatest thing ever. We then went to Toys R' Us. Niah is a birthday club member and they give the kids a balloon and a crown and they announce that it's her birthday over the speaker. She got to pick out a toy, she chose a Barbie Baby Doctor that came with two little babies for the Barbie to take care of. It's really cute. I would have loved this toy as a kid!!
We told Niah she could do anything she wanted for her birthday so she decided she wanted to go bowling and to McDonalds. Sadly, when we got to the bowling alley it was league night so we ended up going to Pizza Putt to play games and eat pizza. The girls had a good time even though we didn't go bowling.

Niah and Bryan wouldn't make serious faces for me! What a face B!

I attempted to make my mom's famous German Chocolate Cake for Niah. It doesn't look that pretty, but it tasted really yummy!! For some reason my frosting was really runny so it looks like it's melting off of the cake, oh well. The girls couldn't keep their hands out of the frosting!

Niah got lots of fun presents. Chloe couldn't figure out why she couldn't open any of them. Thankfully, Niah was nice and let her open two of them for her! She got some HSM barbies...

The game 'Guess Who'...

Her wedding prince that she has been asking for for months now...

Some new Barbie clothes...

A HSM dance mat that we can't wait to try. She also got some really cute outfits.

Thanks to everyone who called and to everyone that sent presents. I can't believe I have a four year old, that's weird to me. Niah had a wonderful birthday and she keeps reminding me today that she is now four, not three. We are so glad that Niah is a part of our family. We love her sooooo much!
Happy Birthday again to little miss Niah! Bryan's face made me laugh hard! and Jonah can't wait to meet his Vermont family!
Thanks for sharing the day with us. I loved all of the pictures and I think the cake looks fabulous! love, mom
wow, high school musical...barbie I see what it is like to have a girl!
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