11:30 pm Sunday night- I started having contractions that lasted all night. They were about 8-9 minutes apart and they hurt.
8:00 am Monday morning- For some reason my contractions stopped. I would have one every once in a while but nothing regular.
1:00 pm- The contractions come back and are very strong. They were coming about every 12-13 minutes.
5:00 pm- The contractions suddenly start coming every 5 minutes and they are REALLY painful. I'm thinking it's time to go to the hospital, but Bryan doesn't think it's time yet. He made me lay down on the couch to see if the contractions keep coming. We were sent home with both girls so Bryan doesn't want that to happen again!
6:00 pm- I can't take it anymore and I call the Dr. while Bryan is in the shower. I tell her my contractions are coming every 3-5 minutes. She asked me if I had been dilated at my last appointment and I tell her I was 3 cm at my appointment a week ago. She said, "Yes, come in now."
6:20 pm- We load the girls in the car and take them to my friend Bethany's house.
7:00 pm- We arrive at the hospital. By now I am in a lot of pain and I know it's time to have a baby.
7:30 pm- They check me after getting settled in and I am dilated 7 cm. Not wanting to miss the window, I request my epidural. The nurses and doctors were trying to talk me out of it because I was so close to a 10. I am not afraid to admit that I didn't want to feel anything, I like to enjoy my deliveries and not feel much pain. Someone invented the epidural so that I could use it!!!
8:00ish pm- The epidural is in on the first try! That has never happened to me before, it usually takes them a few tries. I was a happy woman.
8:20 pm or so- I feel my water break- very weird feeling and I tell the Dr., "Uh, I think my water just broke!" She checked me and I was 9 cm dilated.
8:55 pm- I felt pressure. It was time to push!!
9:02 pm- After pushing through three contractions, Bennett Charles was born. It was such a great moment. This is my favorite part, of course. There is nothing better than looking down and seeing that new baby you have been waiting for all those months.
It's so great to have him here. It feels like he has been in our family forever. He is so good. He slept four straight hours last night and he only cries when he is hungry, he's a little oinker. He had his two day check-up today and he weighs the same as he did at birth. His little features are starting to show now that the swelling and bruising in his face is going down. I think he looks like Niah did when she was a newborn and he is definitely Bryan's son. They look a lot alike in baby pictures. Here are some pictures from our day today.