So, I am now 36 weeks pregnant, 37 weeks on Friday. I am getting so excited for this little boy to join our family. I have been in an extremely HUGE nesting phase. What I should be doing is resting and saving my energy for when the baby actually comes, but there's too much to do and not enough time. I have a long list of things to do before he comes- some of those things include getting the girls quilts done for their beds, getting our photo albums up to date (I haven't put photos in them since Chloe was about 2 months old. YIKES!), getting the house in order so it's ready when my mom comes, washing all of baby's clothes and getting them put away, and a few other random things.
Last week after our trip to Utah, my feet and ankles were SO swollen. I took a picture of them, but the picture does not show how bad they really were. I honestly couldn't even fit in my flip-flops. Thankfully, the swelling has gone down now and I can wear shoes again.

Here's one of me at 36 weeks. Yes, that's my belly button poking through my shirt. For some reason it grows with my belly!

I went to the doctor yesterday and the baby is head down but I haven't dilated yet. I guess I better stay up and busy so that something will happen soon. I need to go curb walking every day! Only a few more days and we will have a little person in our house again. I love the newborn stage, I can't wait to hold him!
Other news- I forgot to post this when it happened, but Chloe has been binki free for a week now!! She did surprisingly well. I told her the binki fairy was coming and that she would take her binkis and leave her a prize. The only crying I heard involved Chloe saying,
(in Chloe language) "I ike my Bs though!" The binki fairy brought her a new baby doll that has a binki you can put in her mouth. We are proud of Chloe for letting them go without too big of a fight. I thought it would be much worse.
you look so cute nat! your poor ankles from such a long travel day! i'm glad you didn't go into labor on the plane:) i'm so excited for you and can't wait to see your little boy. he is going to be soooo cute!! hang in there! love you!
Cute belly Nat! That picture of your feets hurts to look at. I am glad it went down. I hope these last weeks go by fast and all goes well with baby brother when he comes!
Nat your feet look like my one foot! (: ha ha! does it hurt super bad? I can't wait to have another boy in the family and then come to Vermont to see everyone! Can you believe the last time I was there was for Chloe's blessing.. weird! Love you guys!
The picture of your feet is awesome! I'm excited for you guys, before you know it you'll have 3!!!
Oh Nat! Your poor feet. I am so glad the swelling went down! I can't wait for you to have a baby boy! Have you thought of any names? Hey I thought of you today...I will have to email to explain!! stop nesting and rest Nat!
Oh pure feet!! Sadly this is quite common in pregnancy - I had the same thing! Btw congratulations hun. I am a mum too, I just had my first baby (a boy called Marlow) , such a wonderful experience. Did you already choose the name? Have a glance here it's a great site to search names by popularity and origin. Finger and toes crossed for you and your baby! Jo
I'm so glad that you are back to fitting in your shoes, because I certainly am not. I can barely squeeze these puffy things into my flip flops. I've never seen anything like it! I guess that's what we get for having summer babies. I'm glad to see that you are still healthy and doing well. 2 more weeks for me, and barely after that for you, right? Good luck with everything! Nest away!
Oh Nat, I'm so sorry about the extremely puffy feet. You were a trouper for your short wedding trip and looked positively gorgeous. Take care in these next few days and lots of blessings are sent to you as you welcome your new little one.
You are so cute! But I bet you get sick of hearing that! I knew that at 37 weeks, I was ready to be done. Your feet look just like mine. The other day I got so excited because I actually had ankles again!
Good luck with everything!
You are so cute pregnant, just this perfect little belly! We miss you so much!
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