We had a nice, relaxing 4th of July this year. We decided to do our own thing since we weren't sure how I would be feeling. Friday night we braved the crowds and headed to the waterfront to watch the Burlington fireworks. Besides the rain and cold, it was a blast! I'm glad we took the girls, they loved the fireworks. Chloe kept saying, "Mom they go boom, boom, boom, down, down, down (as she motioned her hand downward)!" Niah kept her ears covered the whole time even though I think she really loved the noise and lights.
Saturday morning we went to the Colchester parade. There were lots of firetrucks, bands, and not much candy. The girls had fun waving their star wands we made and they got a few free frisbies. Here's B and the girls. Don't we all look so patriotic in our red, white, and blue?! Bryan even wore his patriotic socks, I was impressed.

Saturday night we did sparklers as a family. It wasn't that dark outside yet, but I wanted to get the kids in bed after a late night Friday. They had fun anyway, they didn't seem to care.

It was fun to celebrate the 4th as our own little family, but we did miss the big family BBQs that we are used to. As my dad always says, "May the Fourth Be With You!!" haha.
Baby Update: I had a Drs. appointment today and I am 3 cm dilated but not effaced yet. I was shocked. I was sure that nothing was happening. The clock is ticking! Any day now...
natalie - you look great, can't wait to "meet" that little boy
May the fourth be with you... that makes me laugh. I'm thinking of that new baby to join you soon.
Your family is so cute! And you look so good-can't wait to see pictures of your little boy.
Nat, B & kids,
Love your new pictures on the 4th. Looks like the kids had a blast. We had so much fun with you guys here for the wedding. We're excited for the new bambino. Mom is on standby.
Love ya tons,
cute pics nat!! your baby is going to come any second! i'm sooo excited! looks like you had a fun fourth. i love your blog. love ya!
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