I failed to post yesterday for 'project happiness'. I'm making up for it by telling about these two things!!
Niah learned about tithing yesterday. Together, we counted up her money from her piggy bank and had a lesson about paying tithing. (Yes, that really is all her money! She has been saving up from birthdays and other things.) She couldn't wait to give her tithing to Daddy at church. (He's in the bishopric, in case you were wondering why he got it!) This is just another step in her growing up! I'm so proud of her for wanting to pay her tithing and to be obedient.
If you don't know what tithing is and would like to know more, click here.
After a long day of exhaustion and frustration of being a mom,
I decided to tackle my new and very dreaded calling of being a Relief Society teacher. Getting in the scriptures and preparing my lesson really cured my worries of the day. I am very grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I'm not sure I could survive every day without the knowledge I have of our Savior's love for me and my family. What a blessing that is to me!! 
I switch callings with you! Being a RS teacher is my dream calling!
Yea 'project happiness'! I'm so happy you are all posting about it 'cuz it just makes my days happy. I guess you could say that is my 'project happiness'...reading your blogs. Loved your pictures of the bambinos and the girls cute haircuts (i think Chloe's is cut). Mr. baby b is getting so big fast. Love and miss you...keep posting! and you are going to rock on your lesson..I can feel it!
RS teacher...I know how you feel, that is exactly what I had to do for a few months before I left!
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