Thursday, May 15, 2008
Grandma's Funeral
I am so glad that we got to go back to Utah for my grandma's funeral. It was nice to be there and I'm glad I was able to see my grandpa at this hard time. On Sunday, the whole extended family got together at my grandpa and grandma's house for a family prayer. Everyone was there- my grandma's sisters, her dad, my grandpa's family, all the cousins, my whole family, etc. It was nice to all be together even though we were missing my grandma. We could feel her presence with us. The viewing was Monday. There were soooo many people there. The line wrapped all around the church and then the chapel was full of people waiting to move up in line. My grandma knew so many people. Tuesday was the funeral. I couldn't believe all the people who came to pay tribute to my grandma. It looked like a stake conference- the church was packed! At the funeral my mom and her sisters spoke. My two sisters sang and my cousin Chase played the violin- they sang "You Raise Me Up". Then all the other grandkids talked about our grandma. One of our family friends sang "For Good" from the broadway play Wicked. It was perfect! My grandpa was so strong and the funeral was amazing. I can't believe that my grandma is gone. I was so close to her and I miss her terribly. I know that she is ok and that she loved me. Now she will be with me all of the time, I can feel her around me. Everything reminds me of her- especially the smell of Trident gum. She always had some in her purse and her car even smelled like it! I get the giggles when I think about some of the memories I have of her. She will be my gaurdian angel. I can't wait until I can give her a big hug again. I miss you Grandma.
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Here we are at the top of Niah's castle!
Here's Niah and her best friend Addi playing in the dirt!
Bryan's favorite things:
- BYU Football
- Surfing the Internet
- Mountain Biking
- Homemade Cinnamon Rolls
- Kayaking
Natalie's Favorite Things
- Naps
- Blogging
- Cooking
- Going on dates with Bryan
- Reading good books
- Being a mom
Niah's Favorite Things
- Hannah Montana
- 101 Dalmatians
- High School Musical
- Reading books with her dad
- Singing
- Disney Princesses
- Playing outside with her friends
Chloe's Favorite Things
- Being outside
- Her binki
- Bananas
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Playing with Niah
- Taking a bath
It was so good to see you and your cute fam. I miss ya already. Thanks for taking so many awesome pictures. I still feel like it was all a dream. Can't wait to see you in about a month. Love you!
Hey Nat this was awesome. I'm so glad you took so many pictures. I loved it. But I do have one complaint...that version of "For Good" you have on your blog stinks! You should try and find the one from the broadway cuz it is so much better and more powerful. Just thought I'd let ya know :) I love you and I miss you guys already!
Oh and p.s. I looked it up and you have to type "For Good, Stephen Schwartz". Trust me, you'll be glad I told you this.
I'm so glad you were able to go home and be with your family! I love your slideshow, your pictures are great! I hope you are doing okay... Let me know if I can do ANYTHING for you!
I'm so proud :) one day I'm taking you to that broadway. You WILL go with me one day... Love ya sis!
I watched the whole slide show of all the pictures from your grandmas funeral. They were so nice. Im glad it was a sunny day. Its going to be good to have all those great pictures to look back on. Again, im sorry for your loss. It was really good to see you for a few minutes the other day. Take care. Let me know when you're in Utah again. Tell Bryan hi.
Sorry to hear about your Grandma! That is not fun at all! I am sure it has made you and your family closer and stronger. She is in a great place! I hope you are doing okay!
It still is unbelievable to me. Your comments at the funeral were so nice. You are a beautiful girl.
Be kind to yourself...
note: when we were in school and had no money I always wanted to buy lottery tickets - but those times are some of our best. We relied on friends and on each other so much. Keep up the good work.
Love, Aunt Dee
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