A few days ago Niah and her friend Addi had their first sleepover. It was a lot of fun and the girls were very good. Both girls insisted on taking a bath with Chloe so after all three of them got out of the tub, the night started with some ice cream cones. Then the girls decided they wanted to dance and 'rock out' as Niah calls it. Chloe had a blast too.
Niah and Addi love to dance together and pretend they are at the ball.
We rented Alvin and the Chipmunks for the girls to watch. Niah thought the Chipmunks were so funny! They were all settled in their sleeping bags. Before the movie started they switched 'comfort items'. Niah slept with Addi's cow and Addi slept with Niah's puppy. It was really sweet.
The girls ate popcorn and watched all of Alvin. I was hoping they would fall asleep to that movie, but they didn't. Enchanted was the next movie of choice so about halfway through they finally fell asleep, at about 10:30. They both slept really well- all night- and they were happy to see each other in the morning.
I had to throw this picture in of Chloe. She thinks she is three sometimes- acutally, all of the time! She played and acted like a big girl. She is so funny, she loved dancing with them.
It's weird to me that Niah is old enough to do things like this. She is growing up so fast! I loved hanging out with Niah and Addi, their conversations and pretend play made me laugh. I hope to have more sleepovers in the future- it was a blast!

Seriously cute.
Too Cute!! Niah looks just like Kaitie when she was that age. I think thats the last time I saw Kaitie was when she was Niah's age. Adorable!
How fun!
that's so cute! Looks like they had a fun night!!! And I love how Chloe was a part of it too. She looks like she's getting so big! Cute girls!
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