Niah said some pretty funny things yesterday that I don't want to ever forget. Bryan and I were cracking up! So, a few weeks ago, Niah was playing with her 'married prince' Barbie doll that she got for her birthday. He has some pretty big, ripped muscles that Niah obviously noticed. Bryan went into her room to see what she was doing and Niah told Bryan, "Dad, my married prince has bigger muscles than you!" Bryan has started lifting weights- I don't think it was because of that- maybe he felt a little competition with her Barbie doll! Anyway, last night as Bryan was lifting Niah told him, "Dad, you're muscles are getting the same as my married prince!" Bryan and I were laughing so hard. Then she said, "Dad, when are your muscles going to pop?" His reply as he was trying not to laugh, was "Hopefully, never!"
We love our sweet Niah. She is so smart and makes us laugh every day. On the way to Disney on Ice a few weeks ago, Niah watched a video of Taylor Swift recording some of her songs. The other night she was dancing and singing to Taylor Swift's song "Change" and she wanted to record her singing. I got the job as the microphone holder- I had to hold it upside down just like it was in the video and we broke out the headphones from our DVD player. Niah was rockin' out, as she calls it! I love these pictures of her. She is always singing and making up her own songs. I think she might just be the next Taylor Swift!!

P.S. Only and hour and a half left until our ultrasound. Check again later to find out what we're having- boy or girl?!
That is the cutest thing!
I definately think she is going to be a singer when she grows up!
First of all, those stories about Niah are hilarious! Haha and she is so cute singing her little heart out. second of all... ITS A BOY!!!!!!!! I was correct! Haha im so excited for you guys! Love yoU!
I love the St. Patty's day pics. The girls are becoming quite the models. I love your blog Nat. Thanks for keeping us updated. Its hard to have you so far away. I miss you guys every day. Love ya.. Dad
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