Lately, I have been really tired of being poor! I know money isn't everything, but sometimes it would be nice to do things on a whim instead of thinking about the budget. Living on student loans doesn't give you many opportunities for doing fun things just for the heck of it. I don't even need a million dollars, maybe just $20,000. I just don't like feeling stressed or guilty for spending money, even groceries. Bryan is working hard at school and someday his hard work will pay off then I won't have to worry about this as much. As for right now, here are a few things I would do if I had more money.
- I would buy tickets to a Boston Red Sox game and take my family over Bryan's summer break.
- I would hire a babysitter to come every Friday night, no matter what, to watch my kids so that Bryan and I could have a date night.
- I would buy a wall cabinet for my bathroom so that the stuff that is being stored on the floor could be up and out of sight.
- I would take myself shopping and buy a summer wardrobe. Now that it's warm I am realizing that I have nothing to wear!
- I would buy a new couch because the one we have is getting beat up and it kind of stinks!
- I want to take the Amtrak train to NYC and take my girls to the Central Park Zoo and the FAO Schwartz toy store. They would have so much fun.
- I would take Bryan to the shoe store and let him pick out any pair(s) of shoes he wanted. He love shoes!
- I have always wanted nice family pictures so I would find a really good photographer and get those done.
I don't want to sound greedy, but that's my list of things I want to do. They will probably never happen, not soon anyway, but I can dream! I guess I am learning patience, right?! I'm not sure why I posted something about this, but it has been on my mind lately so I thought I would write about it for my journaling purposes!