Name and Meaning: Niah Marie. Niah means 'priceless'. We heard the name Niah while we were living in Provo. We never really thought about it while I was pregnant but when she was born, I remember looking at her and the name Niah popped into my head. I knew that was supposed to be her name. Marie is my middle name and Niah's great-great grandma Hazel's middle name.
Age: 3. She will be 4 in January.
Nicknames: Ni, Niah Bo Biah, Babe
Favorite Activities: Watching Disney Channel, playing games on the computer, playing with friends, singing.
Favorite Foods: Apples, oranges, popsicles (she eats one every day while Chloe takes her nap), pizza.
Least Favorite Foods: Mustard. That's the only thing she doesn't like!
Favorite Music: Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers, anything Disney!
Favorite Toy: Princess figurines
Favorite Book: Beauty and the Beast, Enchanted Look and Find
Favorite Item of clothing: Tinker Bell jammies, she never wants to get dressed in the morning and she wears them every night to bed.
What makes her Happy: When Mom is silly, getting packages in the mail, and going to the Toy store.
What makes her Sad: Leaving dance class, getting toys taken away when she doesn't pick them up, going to bed.
Funny words or phrases she says: (I added this one because I was thinking about doing a post about it anyway!) 'Oh Smack!', mazazing instead of magazine, air conditioner instead of hair conditioner, 'You have got to be kidding me!', 'Don't talk to me like that Mom!'.
I now tag: Tam with Pres, Erica with Gavin, Miquelle with Addi, Kaitlan with Hailey, and Sara Jane with Lawrence.
That's a cute tag. She is adorable. :-) It was fun to get to know her better. Kids say the funniest things don't they? Brad always tells me "Mom! Don't talk to my like that!" becuase I tell him the same thing! ;-)
She is such a cute little girl. That is such a fun tag!
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