Niah: "I'm going to be scared and I'm nervous Mom."
Me: "It's okay that you're nervous. You'll be brave. We can say a little prayer before we go so that Heavenly Father will help you be brave."
Niah: "Mom, he can't help me! He's in Heaven!!"
I wasn't sure how to answer that. We then had a short discussion on prayer and how that's our way to talk to Heavenly Father. That's a hard concept for children to understand, I think. Once she got into class, she was a little hesitant to leave my side but she did it anyway. She was sitting on the balance beam finally getting warmed up, and her teacher asked her- very nicely I might add- to stop eating the beads on her skirt because she didn't want her to choke on them. I think Niah must have thought she was in trouble or something because that was the breaking point! She burst out in tears and came running over to me. The rest of the class she was teary and would not let me leave her side. Towards the end, she was fine again and then started crying when it was time to go home! I'm not sure how next week will go. I think I am going to take Chloe with me so that I CAN'T go in the room with her and she will just have to do it on her own! These pictures aren't the greatest, but it's all I got! Niah was embarrassed to have pictures taken of her.
So cute Nat! That's a way funny story. He can't help cuz he's in heaven...kid's say the darndest things. :) I'm so glad she's starting dance! Yay! She'll get used to it eventually. :)
That's so cute !! That's so funny what she said about prayer! She looks so grown up in her little dance outfit! I can't wait to hear how next week goes:) love ya!
p.s...I tag you! look at my blog:)
That's too cute. Kids are too funny aren't they? You just never know what they're gonna say or do! Good luck next week!
I love her outfit. So cute! That's so funny that she's so shy in class because I just can't picture that. She's such an outgoing girl!
Haha Nat she looks so cute!! Thats so funny that she makes you go in with her! Now you can learn some gymnastics moves too! Haha I love you guys! :)
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